Shopping Centers Today

MAY 2012

Shopping Centers Today is the news magazine of the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)

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The KEYS (Kimco Entrepreneurs Year Start) Program is designed to support local small businesses and encourage entrepreneurship in the many communities in which Kimco invests. The SURJUDP SODFHV TXDOLÀHG ÀUVW WLPH HQWUHSUHQHXUV into retail space within Kimco centers with one year IUHH UHQW DPRQJ RWKHU EHQHÀWV The KEYS Program will launch in California where Kimco owns 125 shopping centers consisting of over 3,200 stores and 19.8 million square feet of leasable space. Through KEYS, Kimco will operationally support DQG ÀQDQFLDOO\ HQGRUVH TXDOLÀHG HQWUHSUHQHXUV through the critical start up incubation years, to greatly improve a startup's chances for success. First year rent free (Standard NNN fees apply.) Personal Kimco retail business counselor to assist in site selection Favorable four-year extension option XSRQ VXFFHVVIXO FRPSOHWLRQ RI ÀUVW \HDU For additional information please contact: Nicole Emma Ludwig / John Visconsi 1-888-668-1690 946 shopping centers | 138 million square feet 44 states | Puerto Rico, Canada, Mexico and South America

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